Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NSA Patent Can Locate Internet Users (Redux)

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NSA Patent Can Locate Internet Users

World Peace Herald

Editor's Note: Given the renewed hoopla over NSA (et al) spying on American Citizens we present this article we initially published in 05–FW

     WASHINGTON -- Internet users thinking they can hide anonymously may soon get an awakening.

On Sept. 20 the United States awarded patent 6,974,978. The patent was filed on December 29, 2000 by Stephen Mark Huffman and Michael Henry Reifer, with the assignee being United States of America as represented by the director of the National Security Agency.

According to the patent's abstract, the invention is a "Method for geolocating logical network addresses on electronically switched dynamic communications networks, such as the Internet, using the time latency of communications to and from the logical network address to determine its location. . . .

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