Sunday, December 30, 2012

'Alien' Skulls Found At Sonora, Mexico, Ancient Burial Site | VIDEO

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Alien Skull - Sonora, Mexico

By Ryan Grenoble
The Huffington Post

     An ancient burial site in Mexico, discovered in 1999 but only recently investigated, has revealed skeletal remains with odd, "alien-shaped" skulls.

They were unearthed in the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora at a site known as "El Cementerio" when workers stumbled upon the remains accidentally while digging to install an irrigation system. According to Time, the bones date to between A.D. 940 and 1308, making them around 1,000 years old.

The skulls appear to have been intentionally deformed until they resembled something akin to the "Coneheads," the fictional alien family made famous on "Saturday Night Live" in the late 1970s. . . .

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