The witnesses include not only average citizens, but two former U.S. presidents — Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
Carter reported seeing what he described as a UFO in Leary, Ga., in 1969. Reagan claimed he saw a UFO from the window of a small airplane as it approached Bakersfield, Calif., in 1974.
Later this month, an impressive number of those who take UFOs very seriously will travel from various parts of the country and congregate for a weekend conference in Philadelphia to discuss the subject and present their evidence of this strange phenomena.
. . . More
See Also:
VIDCAST | Major Donald Keyhoe Said Flying Saucers [UFOs] Are From Outer Space
Mike Wallace Interviews Major Donald Keyhoe of NICAP
Keyhoe: "We Are Meeting in Secret With A Congressional Committee. If These Meetings Were Public It Would Prove . . ."
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