It seemed to drift and then hover and then pulse. When it was obvious that it wasn't a plane or a planet (I used my Skyview iPhone application to debunk any planets around or visible... there weren't any visible in that area) we went and got our binoculars and realized it had a specific shape. A triangular shape with at least 3-5 distinct circular orb like shapes at each point with what looked like electrical current running between all the points. I began taking zoomed in pictures with my iPhone and then grabbed my expensive zoom lens Canon camera and rapidly took about 302 photographs. For some reason my cell phone battery went from 88% to 18% within a matter of 15 minutes. This also affected my friend's cell phone battery power as well.

It increased in size and rapidly pulsed and while I was watching it thru the binoculars it seemed like 3 other craft split from the center leaving the original object less pulsating and only white light... the other three objects had the spectrum of light in a pattern and were darting to various points and hovering with the colored lights pulsating in a pattered around each craft.
The shape of the original object seemed to change as well and become more of a disk like shape. The other 3 objects with colored lights were boomerang shaped. We drove at least 20 miles east to Rockwall, Texas's Lake Ray Hubbard. We parked and continued to watch the objects but they decreased in size and weren't pulsating as much as before.

By 5:30am they seemed to be gone.
NOTE: These photo were enlarged and cropped from the high definition photos taken by the witness.
. . . More
See Also:
Multiple UFOs Sighted East of Dallas
Fact Or Fiction? Space Alien Buried In Texas Town
MY UFO EXPERIENCE | Tonight Over Addison Texas: "I Saw a Weird Oblong Shape Flying Across the Sky . . . It Was Silent and had a Silver Shine to It"
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