Friday, July 15, 2011

UFO NEWS | Philip Mantle, Editor of UFO MATRIX Magazine Resigns

UFO Matrix Magazine
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By Philip Mantle
Former Editor of UFO Matrix Magazine

     Dear friends and colleagues,

Philip MantleThis is just a quick note to inform you that as of today July 14th, I have resigned as editor of UFO MATRIX magazine. I don't want to go into the reasons behind this at this moment in time but I will provide further details in due course to those that are interested.

I would like to thank everyone for their kind support over this last 12 months and for the many kind comments concerning the great quality of UFO MATRIX magazine. It has been a pleasure working on it and I am proud to say I was its editor, but all good things must come to an end unfortunately. I would like to thank all of our columnists and
contributors for making the magazine a first class publication. Without them it would simply not have been possible.

My interest in the UFO subject continues and health permitting I will still be involved as much as I can in this enigmatic subject. I have several long term writing plans in the pipeline which I am looking forward to a great deal.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Mantle.

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