Apple's cofounder and CEO Steve Jobs made a surprising presentation of Apple's new campus at a Cupertino City Council meeting earlier this week, drawing comparisons with a giant spaceship.
"Apple is growing like a weed," Jobs said Tuesday. The growth has made Apple's existing Cupertino headquarter look small, forcing them to rent places in small buildings scattered throughout the city, located about nine miles west of San Jose.
In order to provide the employees with more space, the Apple has purchased space from Hewlett-Packard Co. in Cupertino, where it plans to build a new campus to house its 12,000-odd workers.
When talking about the futuristic design, Jobs said “It’s a little like a spaceship landed. It’s a pretty amazing building.” . . .
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Apple CEO, Steve Jobs Pitches 'Giant Spaceship-Like Office' Complex To Cupertino City Council
New Building
Steve Jobs
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