Despite not watching the show since the series premiere, this episode might warrant a second viewing of the show, simply due to the selected cases. The episode is titled: “The Real Battle of LA/ Queen Mary Menace”.
For those who have never watched ‘Fact or Faked’, it is a paranormal investigation TV series produced by Base Productions that began airing in July of 2010, on SyFy. In the show, team of investigators led by former FBI agent Ben Hansen, review various videos and pictures of alleged paranormal activity. If a piece of evidence is deemed intriguing enough to warrant further investigation, the team sets out to recreate and explain the sighting.
More . . .
See Also:
69th Anniversary – The Battle of Los Angeles | VIDEO | Eye Witness C Scott Littleton Recounts The UFO Event
69th Anniversary – The Battle of Los Angeles | L.A. Guns Fire On 'Phantom' Object
The Battle of Los Angeles | Retired Military Officials and UFO Experts Discussed the 1942 Incident
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