Monday, February 28, 2011

UFO NEWS | UFO Convention Brings Skeptics, Scientists (and a Few Loonies) to Arizona

International UFO Congress

By Matthew Hendley
Phoenix New Times Bogs

     . . . The Radisson Fort McDowell Resort, just north of Fountain Hills on SR-87, was the host of the 20th annual International UFO Congress between Wednesday and Sunday, drawing hundreds of amateur Fox Mulders and Dana Scullys from around the world.

More than twenty speakers graced the stage over the five-day event with stories of crop circles, extraterrestrial contact, government cover-ups, and even Stan Romanek -- the self-claimed most abducted American in history.

A vendor's area filled up a ballroom of the hotel, with folks selling all of the paranormal staples -- crystal skulls, DVDs of UFO footage, alien-themed jewelry and clothing, homeopathic remedies, and authors peddling their expertise and experience to anyone willing to listen.

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