Tuesday, January 25, 2011

". . . The Word “UFO” Probably Triggers Spam Filters That Screen Out Other Annoyances Like 'Nigerian Bank Transfer' and 'Boogers'"

Same Conventional Doctrines - Noam Chomsky

Elite culture striking out

By By Billy Cox
De Void

Billy Cox     Every now and then, De Void probes consensus reality for seams in its most progressive links, hoping to find a little rip in the fabric that might steer the UFO debate away from the fringes and into the mainstream. Said efforts never even rise to the level of Minor Irritant, kinda like a deerfly going up against Patton’s armor.

It’s not likely that Bill Moyers, when he was at PBS, or Amy Goodman at Democracy Now, even got the memos. E-mails containing the word “UFO” probably trigger spam filters that screen out other annoyances like “Nigerian bank transfer” and “boogers.” Such barricades merely underscore the points raised by political science professors Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall with their essay, “Sovereignty and the UFO,” which appeared in the August 2008 journal Political Theory.

Wendt, who teaches at Ohio State, and Duvall, at the University of Minnesota, argued that “If academics’ first responsibility is to tell the truth, then the truth is that after sixty years of modern UFOs, human beings still have no idea what they are, and are not even trying to find out. That should surprise and disturb us all, and cast doubt on the structure of rule that requires and sustains it.”

Wendt and Duvall reached larger audiences last year by elaborating in Leslie Kean’s New York Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record. They stated the phenomena lay “outside the boundaries of rational discourse” because they ultimately threaten elite culture – science, government and media.

Nevertheless, De Void took yet another stab at it last week in an e-mail to Noam Chomsky, MIT’s professor emeritus of linguistics and one of America’s legendary voices of dissent. As the author of 1988’s Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, which examined the profit motives behind what the corporate press chooses to cover, Chomsky seemed a logical choice to weigh in on Wendt and Duvall’s work.

“Read your letter with interest,” he e-mailed back. “Unfortunately, I have no judgment on the matter. Have never looked into the issue.”

At least he received the query.

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