Friday, January 28, 2011

Colombia: UFO Responsible for Killing 2000 Fish?

Colombia - UFO Responsible for Killing 2000 FishInexplicata

By Inexplicata

     BOGOTA – Residents of a community northeast of Colombia claim that 2000 fish have turned up dead since last week, following last week’s appearance of a strange, flashing object seen briefly over a local swamp.

The incident occurred at the village of El Llanito in the jurisdiction of the city of Barrancabermeja. Residents saw a flying object in the skies last Friday, according to local media.

Shortly afterward, dead fish were found floating in the swamp, but unlike other similar cases ascribed to the lack of oxygen, residents of El Llanito are startled by the fact that fish display burn marks on their scales.

According to Magaly GutiƩrrez, director of a community organization, the phenomenon lasted some 20 seconds and was seen by many.

The RCN radio network pointed out that residents of the neighboring village of Puente Sogamoso, in the jurisdiction of Puerto Wilches, claimed seeing a round object flying “sideways” on the same day that the fish deaths at El Llanito occurred.

Juan Tercero, president of the AsociaciĆ³n de Acuicultores y Pescadores de El Llanito, said that the dead fish present burn marks and began floating since the “strange light was seen in the swamp” according to statements appearing in Bucaramanga’s Vanguardia Liberal newspaper.

Environmental authorities from Barrancabermeja visited the swamp to collect samples that will hopefully reveal the causes for the fish deaths, according to RCN.

* (Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

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