Saturday, November 20, 2010

VIDEO | A Hilarious, 1998 Interview with Area 51 Base Commander



From Norio Hayakawa

     Here is a rare, hilarious 1998 interview with Area 51 Base Commander by my former colleague, Anthony J. Hilder.

It was extemporaneously held during a break time between various speakers at the public hearing held in Las Vegas and organized by Nellis AFB for discussions about the aquisition of additional 4000 acres of public land as a buffer to the buffer zone at Area 51.
Anthony Hilder and I both attended this hearing which was held at El Dorado High School in Las Vegas. We both spoke at the hearing.

This was one of the most SERIOUS but yet most HILARIOUS interviews I have ever experienced with my own eyes. The commander kept his cool while Anthony Hilder starting bombarding him with some conspiracy-sounding questions.

(Actually I was embarassed while Anthony kept asking somequestions I am sure that sounded rather "nutty" to the commander.)

I was with Anthony Hilder, looking at the Base Commander. My hat's off to Hilder for his audacity in questioning the commander:

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