Maelstrom @ Malmstrom: What Really Happened in 1967?
By Rich Dolan
The case itself has been discussed countless times, including at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on September 27, 2010, and quite recently by myself. As it is always told, it involves the shut-down of (generally speaking) twenty ICBM missiles at two launch facilities while a UFO hovered above the area.
It’s never a good idea to jump into a controversy that has been brewing for so long. I truly question the wisdom of inserting myself into it. It is a debate filled by both sides with a great deal of information put forth, as well as much invective and posturing. There is tremendous emotional meaning to all parties involved. But there is also no shortage a facts and claims – a mass of data that requires care and patience and cannot be undertaken lightly.
Controversies in ufology happen all the time. Nearly every hallowed case I can think of has come under attack at one point or another. In my own view, some have turned out to be totally justified, others not so much. Amid the blizzard of the UFOWars, as we might call them, a great deal can slip under one’s personal radar.
But the implications in this instance are particularly important. This is because one person has put together a case claiming the Malmstrom event was in fact a non-event. He argues that there was no UFO over Malmstrom, and that the shut-down of the missiles (which has been documented to have occurred at one of the launch facilities) was caused by relatively mundane electrical problems.
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