Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Premiere Issue of Open Minds Magazine is Now Available!

Open Minds Premiere Issue
By www.openminds.tv

Presenting Open Minds Magazine:

Open Minds magazine is a bi-monthly publication focusing on exploring the true nature of the UFO phenomenon in terms of its history, evidence and its enormous sociopolitical and scientific implications. OPEN MINDS is presented objectively with a focus on the facts, yet the publication is destined to change our current outlook on UFOs- an outlook that has been affected for decades by the stigma of ridicule and a relentless process of misinformation and/or disinformation by the mainstream media.

OPEN MINDS magazine will report upon and investigate the evidence of:

  • Alien abductions and direct content cases
  • UFO sightings supported by camera and video images, and reported by credible witnesses
  • Strange UFO –connected phenomena such as cattle mutilations, crop circles, archeological puzzles and past encounters with other civilizations
  • covert and classified activities and documents related to possible UFO cover-ups and black projects
  • Interplanetary missions and exobiology explorations that may locate intelligent elsewhere “Far-out” scientific advances and startling new discoveries

Our Mission:

Open Minds Production believes greater truths can be discovered when individuals question and critically examine their beliefs, and those of others. In this objective manner, we open ourselves to accelerated learning. It is our mission to present those who wish to know with factual evidence so they can make their own decisions. Our knowledge as individuals, and as a human race, grows not through ignorance or stubbornness, but through keeping an Open Minds.

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