First Dulce, NM Conference
By Dennis Balthaser
© 4-6-09
For the better part of 30 years, the small town of Dulce, NM has been attributed with all sorts of rumors about an underground facility being there, UFO sightings, cattle mutilations and other odd happenings on the Archuleta Mesa, on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. Dulce with a population of about 3000, is located in extreme northern New Mexico between Chama and Farmington, just below Pagosa Springs Colorado, in some of the most beautiful, scenic country anywhere. By Dennis Balthaser
© 4-6-09
The underground base rumors that have circulated about the facility indicated that there are 7 levels below ground where bio-genetic experiments have taken place involving both humans and extraterrestrials. Some, who claimed to have been there supposedly, witnessed vats containing body and animal parts. The lower level has been referred to as “Night Mare Hall”, again because of what was allegedly taking place at that level. An engineer Phil Schneider, referred to actually being involved in a fire fight in 1979 when the drilling penetrated a cavern deep within the mesa, and as a result of the fire fight, 60 bodies were removed after an altercation with aliens. So the rumors have persisted for all these years, with no solid evidence that any of them were factual.
Norio Hayakawa had visited the area several years ago with a Japanese film crew and was detained by the local law enforcement. The Jicarilla Apache are not fond of outsiders encroaching on their land. That did not deter Norio however, and he decided a few months ago to try and organize a conference in Dulce, and invited several researchers and local residents to the conference, which he appropriately named, “Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction”, to try and determine if any of the rumors that persisted were true.
Because Norio knew about my research interest in underground bases and tunnels for many years, he contacted me in early January 2009, inviting me to be on the panel he was planning to put together for the conference. Having been interested in the Dulce rumors for many years along with researcher Scott Ramsey and others, I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.
As can often happen in New Mexico, a spring snow storm arrived the day before I planned to drive to Dulce from Roswell, (which is about a 7 hour drive), so I delayed my departure by one day, after the storm had moved to the east, shutting down northeastern New Mexico, and the Texas Panhandle. The weather was ideal for the conference, however the next morning found a light snow falling, and 72 miles of snow-packed ice awaited my return trip, out of the Rocky Mountains back to the high plains of southeastern New Mexico.
A few other incidents occurred that were not scheduled as part of the conference. A few minutes before 6 AM on the morning of the conference, I along with most other people in Dulce for the conference, and staying at the Jicarilla Best Western Inn, were awakened by the sound of at least one helicopter very low over the motel. Later it was learned that this was not normal, and no one knew where the helicopter(s) came from, whom they belonged to, or what they were doing so low over the motel. Apparently helicopters are not totally unusual in the area, but flying that low was unusual according to the locals who also heard it. It seemed to be a concern of some at the conference later that day.
If I may add a personal note here, when I first drove in to Dulce, I was somewhat surprised to find the Jicarilla Best Western Inn and Casino being located in this small town, that is not a ski area such as Chama or Pagosa Springs. My first thought was why would a nice motel and Casino be located here? I suppose due to the Jicarilla Apache reservation headquarters being in Dulce would explain it, but it still seemed odd to me. The schools are also modernistic and much construction is being done on them. I suppose I’ll have to do more research on this concern.
When Norio first set up the conference, the only place in Dulce allowing him to have such an event was in the bar area of the Inn, which when rearranged, (tables removed and chairs brought in), would seat about 50 people. Norio had anticipated about 30 people would attend the conference, when in actuality between 100-125 actually showed up. After the maximum seating was reached and many more wanted to come in, it was decided that because of fire codes it would have to be moved or shut down. Second choice was moving into the restaurant dining room in the Inn, however that also wasn’t going to work. One of the former Dulce police officers suggested the conference should be moved to a community hall adjacent to the grocery store, which did accompany all those wanting to attend, and the conference proceeded from there after a short intermission. Norio and I had visited the night before the conference and we both decided if the conference drew a larger than anticipated crowd, that would in itself be a news-worthy story, which it turned out to be, and was covered on the front page of the Albuquerque newspaper the next morning.
One of the interesting experiences shared during the conference, was a local rancher presenting a power point presentation about how his family had raised cattle in the area since the 1800’s, and between the1970’s and 1980’s 17 cattle were mutilated. During the investigations gas masks were found near the mutilation sites and specific cows were each tracked with phosphorescent markings a few days before the mutilations actually took place. He was emphatic that the government did the mutilations and no aliens were involved. He further stated that he believed the government was doing some type of germ warfare experiments, and that there is definitely a government underground facility there. He had also found an opening on the mesa that had air blowing out from within, thinking it might be an air vent.
Another local stated that he had not located the base yet, but said it is an undeniable fact that there have been (and still are) many UFO sightings in the area. A former State police officer that investigated the mutilations for years, stated it had nothing to do with aliens, but that there is something there that is too sensitive to talk about, and wouldn’t say anything else. He told me that there is nothing under the Archuleta Mesa, but there was another location, which he wouldn’t disclose to me.
One researcher talked about the San Luis Valley north of Dulce being a possible location, and that Dulce might be a diversionary site for that. Another former Dulce police officer talked about his encounter with three metallic, oval-shaped objects hovering at treetop level at a ranch near Dulce. He indicated he was never trained for such an encounter.
Another presenter showed close-up satellite images of the Dulce Elementary School building, in which the contours of the parking lot resemble an ancient stone sculpture in Bolivia.
Another researcher talked about his investigations of the claims of Paul Bennewitz, who he believed may have been the source behind many of the rumors about Dulce, again indicating Dulce could be a diversionary site for what had taken place at Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque around 1979. He concluded however that there could be something at Dulce.
During my presentation I shared some of my research about Government secrecy and some of the underground locations I have studied over the years.
A former police officer and head of the Public Safety Department stated he might organize an escorted group for the public to visit the top of the Archuleta Mesa if desired, and suggested another conference on Dulce could be held at the Police Department conference hall.
After listening to some of the locals I got the impression that for the Jicarilla, they believe if they see something it’s intended for them, and not necessarily to be shared. A few years ago I visited the entrances to Area 51, and this conference I attended in Dulce was similar, in that being at a location and talking to the locals, gives an insight not acquired before. I still believe something very secretive has or maybe still is going on under the Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation at Dulce New Mexico. Hopefully another conference will be arranged and additional information will be obtained. As I told the audience, we have to ask questions, and demand answers.
I was recently in Pagosa Springs. Talking with a local he informed me of immense governmet activity in the area complete with a hundred or so of brand new 18 wheelers(government license plates), all gloss black and carrying earth moving equiptment. It doesn't stop there.. We actually watched 3 u.s airforce Osprey tilt wings manuevering around the area. We went to investigate but were stopped by rangers (they just happened to be there..right) before we could off-road to check out what some locals say are "armed guards at the entrance to a newly constructed/contructing underground city.
ReplyDeleteCheck the local Southwest Free Press in the area.
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