Saturday, February 21, 2009

Record number of Canadians report UFO sightings in 2008

People Looking Up

     More Canadians than ever saw something unexplained up there last year.

The Ufology Research Group says in 2008, Canucks saw a record number of unidentified flying objects across the Great White North.

The Winnipeg-based volunteer group recorded 1,004 sightings last year – the highest number since the group started tallying sightings in 1989.

"My position is there is something that is being seen by people," research coordinator Chris Rutkowski told the Sun today. "There's no proof that aliens are coming to Canada in any great numbers but what we're saying is that there are enough reports and many of them are unexplained so we think science should take a better look at it."

There could be a variety of reasons why reports are up, Rutkowski said, including more space junk, more people embracing astronomy and even the economic downturn.

"It could be the economy, maybe people are looking upward for some help in the economy since it doesn't seem like anybody else is helping," he said.

Rutkowski says the vast majority of sightings turn out to be explainable objects like airplanes but around 10% didn't have a ready explanation.

"That got whittled down to a little over 1% that are what we call higher quality unknowns where there was some decent investigation, the witnesses were cooperative, some diagrams, maybe some photos," he said.

The strangest sighting of the year was in Wadena, Sask., in March.

Two cars travelling on a highway there had to brake suddenly when both drivers saw a gray and metallic object fly directly across the road in front of them.

"Maybe the aliens have to be ticketed for flying too low? I don't know," Rutkowski said with a laugh.

1 comment :

  1. hi I havn't seen a UFO or any thing like that but 2 nights ago my brother and his girlfriend came home now she does NOT belive in any thing live this but he does neither or them had been drinking. but on there way home just round the corner they sore somthing a arow head shape that sounded like an areoplane and had head lights like i car or some type of flood lights they weren't on any thing perticular and it was constantly moving- slowly. the point of the arow was at the back of it. they both have said it wasn't like any thing they have seen before and was NOT a aroplain. My nan has said on the radio there had been people ringing in and saying they had seen things like this. If you have seen any thing please say.


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