Reader Submitted Report
About 15 years ago 4 of us were driving into Toronto at about 7:00 pm in the middle of summer, sun still shining brightly. We were looking up in the sky to the big jets approaching the Toronto Airport. Two of us - at the exact same time - said "look at that!!!" Basically we saw a flying cigar - silver gray metallic looking - no wings - windows - markings. It bounced around - up and down so fast, that if I had filmed it, you'd call it it a fake. It even looked fake to me - with my own eyes! Very fast motion - it shot left about a half a mile, then back to the same spot in a second or two, then shot down along the 401 heading west - out of site with in - 4 seconds - gone. The whole sighting lasted about 10 seconds. We were passing the airport on the highway at the time - we checked the news and radio - but never heard anything about.[Unedited]
None of us ever forgot what we saw - once you see one - you believe!
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