Tuesday, May 06, 2008

UFOs Over The Dominican Republic?

UFOs Over The Dominican Republic
By Dominican Today

     Santo Domingo.– While in a private plane flying South East from Puerto Plata to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic I took these pictures from the co-pilot seat. The visibility was clear. We flew about 4500 ft. above the cloud deck. It was about 9:30 am, 4/22/08. (the time stamp setting was incorrect)

I took a series of photos and captured these objects in our flight path. The pilot estimated the objects were about 7-8 miles from the nose of the aircraft. The pilot did not receive any notification from Air Traffic Control.

The objects are extremely luminous. If you enlarge them you will notice the lower set of lights are twin diamonds or squares, symmetrical, and unnatural. The upper set of lights are almost amorphous. Both lights seem to disturb the surrounding atmosphere.

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