By MDZonline
Employees of the Provincial Department of Roads have photographed a UFO in the area of Mendoza, Argentina.
Last Thursday Provincial Road workers, Felix Fernandez, Omar Gonzalez and Virgilio Moreno, were working on some machinery in La Junta; at the end of the day prior to returning to the yard, Fernández decided to take some pictures of the scenery using his cell-phone camera. While taking some shots of the distant mountains and horizon, something caught his attention. 4-9-08
Employees of the Provincial Department of Roads have photographed a UFO in the area of Mendoza, Argentina.
Fernández stated, “While taking the photographs of the landscape, I noticed the movement of an object against the background; surprised by the unusual object I then began shooting it. It was moving from east to west, and we watched it for 15 minutes.”
The report originated from a radio station in Malargüe, and although it Fernández who captured the images, the other men witnessed the UFO as well.
* Rough Translation By FW
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See Also:
Argentina: NASA To Look Into Rio Cuarto UFO?
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