
Thursday, January 03, 2008

A New Magazine - Alien Worlds

ALien Worlds Magazine logo (B)
By Stuart Miller
Alien Worlds Magazine

Stuart Miller 3 (Sml)     A new glossy magazine called Alien Worlds is being launched on to UK newsstands on February 8th. It is edited by Stuart Miller who used to publish UFO Review, the Internet ezine.

It will be on sale at WH Smiths and Borders as well as a wide array of other outlets, and will also be on sale internationally. You will also be able to get it by subscription, regardless of where you live.

The web site is http://www/

There you will find details about issue 1 and how to subscribe. You will also find the news service that was previously at UFO Review, as well as other articles of interest.

On the site at the moment there is a guest article especially written for us by Stan Friedman entitled Flying Saucers and Science - An Overview. It is about the background and circumstances that has led to Stan writing his new book which will be published in June of of 2008.

"Alien Worlds" will not only deal with the UFO/UAP subject but will also cover SETI and astrobiology, and the origins and development of life here on planet Earth.

Please join us.

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