Readers call in on Dorito UFO
By North County Times
Readers have been calling in their droves to tell us they saw the huge “Dorito” UFO in the skies over the Black Country.By North County Times
The orange triangle with its three lights was seen over Wednesfield and Dudley by scores of people who phoned the newspaper after an appeal for information.
A flurry of calls was made to Stourbridge based UFO Research Midlands, UFORM, from those claiming to have witnessed an unexplained aircraft in the sky.
The flying object was spotted over Halesowen heading towards Stourbridge on Wednesday at around 7pm.
Katherine Hemmings, aged 13, of Beechwood Avenue, saw it at 4pm over Wednesfield High School in Lichfield Road. She was walking home with friends Tasmin Jones and Chelsea Smith when the three felt compelled to turn around. “It was weird because it wasn’t making any noise but for some reason we turned around”, Katherine said. “We all saw this big thing with lights in the sky.
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