By Jason Saine
The Lincoln Tribune
LINCOLNTON – George Fawcett, a local author and a veteran UFO investigator and researcher for 67 years has released a revised adn enlarged version of his book, “UFO Repetitions - A Challenge to Scientific Investigations”.The Lincoln Tribune
Fawcett has investigated over 1,200 UFO sighting reports and has read over 700 books and 1,000 magazine articles on the subject since 1944. He has had published over 100 UFO investigative and research articles he has written in Flying Saucers Magazine, Search, Fate, Saga, Argosy, True, Flying Saucer Review, National Enquirer, UFO Magazine, UFO Universe Magazine, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings. In 1975 Fawcett authored the highly illustrated book, "Quarter Century of UFOs in Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee."
His illustrated UFO lectures have been well received by almost 600 different colleges and universities, service clubs, military and scientific organizations, technical and special interest groups in United Stated and overseas.
Fawcett has been a guest on dozens of radio and TV shows and also featured in many books and magazine and newspaper interviews. Dozens of Fawcett's articles were listed in the 1969 Library of Congress book "UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography" published under contract with the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
George was a consultant to the movie, "UFOs-Target Earth" produced by Centrum Films in Atlanta, Georgia in 1974.
Fawcett served as the founder and chief advisor to the New England UFO Study Group (1957), the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Two-State UFO Study Group (1965), the Florida UFO Study Group (1968), the Tar Heel UFO Study Group (1973) and the Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. (1989).
Fawcett is the owner of a large 'Sauceriana Collection' consisting of over 15,000 items. From 1976 to 1984 George helped organize seven consecutive UFO symposiums for the state unit of he worldwide MUFON, Inc. and co-hosted by the Tar Heel UFO Study Group in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
From 1979 to 1982 George taught a 30 hour (3 credit hours) accredited collegiate UFO course titled, "UFOs: A New Frontier of Science" at the Lincoln County Campus of Gaston College.
If you would like to purchase a copy of the book you may contact Fawcett at 704-735-5725 or via email at fawcett28092@bellsouth.net
The book cost is $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage and handling for each copy.
The books can be autographed if requested.
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