Tuesday, June 05, 2007

They Observed a UFO in the Tucumán Sky

UFO Over Tucumán

     Tucumán,Argentina-Several witnesses sighted strange lights. “One moved slowly and suddenly it made a turn and it changed course quickly”, recounted a neighbor.

Strange lights were described last night flying over the capital, said numerous witnesses who contacted this newspaper. The episode took place approximately at 21.30.

Until then, the origin of the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) could not be determined, although several informants agreed in their stories on which they could observe. “My mother saw a white light, something dull, that made a fast turn and soon it changed course quickly”, a neighbor of Yerba Buena stated.

“He does not remember if the light blinked, but that it was a set of lights similar to the airplanes that are seen at night”, said the observer, whose identity is withheld. “He makes note that the luminous object made a sudden maneuver, which demonstrates that it cannot be a commercial flight.”

Unofficial sources indicated to the NEWSPAPER that there weren't any scheduled flights during that time period, with the exception of the landing of the airplane Austral AU2470; however, that flight did not pass over the capital.

Another witness indicated that she saw a luminous object “that moved in an irregular way” and that soon disappeared. LA GACETA (C)

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