Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Remembering Dr. James E. McDonald

James E. McDonald (D)
By Loren Coleman

Loren_Coleman     On June 13, 1971, Dr. James E. McDonald (born May 7, 1920), noted atmospheric physicist and UFO researcher, was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head, an apparent suicide. (Source: Tucson Arizona Daily Star, June 15, 1971)

McDonald spoke before the United States Congress for a UFO hearing in 1968. In part, he stated his opinion that "UFOs are entirely real and we do not know what they are, because we have laughed them out of court. The possibility that these are extraterrestrial devices, that we are dealing with surveillance from some advanced technology, is a possibility I take very seriously." (Clark, 368)

In 1969, McDonald was a speaker at an American Association for the Advancement of Science UFO symposium. There he delivered a lecture, "Science in Default", which Jerome Clark calls "one of the most powerful scientific defenses of UFO reality ever mounted." (Clark, 370) McDonald discussed in detail a handful of well documented UFO cases which seemed, he thought, to defy interpretation by conventional science. (Source: Jerome Clark; The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial; Visible Ink, 1998)

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