Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Interview With Dr. James Harder - Former Director of Research for APRO

By Cynthia Siegel
UFO Connections

     There exists a little known gem in Sacramento, California called “UFO Connections“; this local cable show is hosted by the very elegant “Cynthia Siegel”; whom by the way is a seasoned Ufologist, and current “section director” for the Sacramento chapter of MUFON.

Past guests include names like: Budd Hopkins, Ruben Uriarte, Betty Hill, Ted Loman, Timothy Good to name a few.

In the piece above, Cynthia interviews veteran Ufologist, Dr. James Harder; Harder began his trek into Ufology in the early ‘50’s and was an early member of the now defunct “Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), headed by “Coral & Jim Lorenzen” (both deceased).

He soon became “Director of Research” and has literally investigated hundreds of cases. In 1968 Jim Harder was one of 6 esteemed scientists to testify before the “Congressional Committee on Science and Astronautics” regarding the UFO phenomenon.

Jim Harder’s academic credentials are as follows: BS (Caltech), MS, Ph.D., (U.C. Berkeley). He is a Fellow, AAAS; Life Member, ASCE; and Founding Member, Society for Scientific Exploration. Professor Emeritus, U.C. Berkeley.

One of Harder’s cases is the abduction of “Travis Walton”; Walton a former logger went missing for 5 days in November of 1975 after an encountering a “spacecraft from another world.” Walton along with his ex-crew chief, also a witness joins in the conversation by telephone. —FW

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