An out-of-this-world event in Belleville
By Brian Gray
The Times Plus
BELLEVILLE -- There was something strange in the skies over Belleville.By Brian Gray
The Times Plus
It was Jan. 16, 1987.
Red, blue and white lights were suspended horizontally about 1,000 feet over a bluff southwest of town.
But what was it?
Whatever it was made no sound and it remained suspended in the air for an extended period of time before speeding away.
Less than three months later, March 6, several citizens reported cigar-shaped objects in the sky.
According to some reports the objects departed in cloud vapors.
The objects, whatever they were, never reappeared but Belleville businesses decided to incorporate the events into a festival commemorating Belleville's close encounter.
UFO days has been going strong ever since.
This year the event is Saturday and a host of activities are planned.
Activities include:
* 8:30 a.m. -- Kids Fun Run.
* 9 a.m. -- Craft Fair.
* 9 a.m. -- Chili Cook-off.
* 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Kids Games.
* 10 a.m. -- Adult Fun Run.
* 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Beer Tent and Food Fair.
* 1:30 p.m. -- Parade.
* 2 to 5 p.m. -- Glow and Bowl.
* 7 to 9 p.m. -- Haunted Trail.
* 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- Monster Costume Ball.
Other events include pumpkin decorating and a pet costume contest.
The annual parade will pass through town on Main Street.
The events are held at the Library Park, middle school gym and Schwoegler's Sugar River Lanes. The haunted trail ride begins on Church Street across from the high school.
No one knows for sure what residents saw over the skies of Belleville in 1987 but investigators from the Chicago-based Center for U.F.O. Studies ruled out the possibility the objects were natural or man-made.
Maybe, just maybe, with others walking around town dressed in alien costumes and Halloween costumes the visitors might stop back.
Look around. Examine the person standing next to you.
Are they from here -- or someplace else?
More . . .
See Also: Aliens Sighted Saturday in Belleville
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