Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Canadian Ufologist and Founder of "HBCC Research" Abdicates The Field

Brian Vike (Sml)
By Frank Warren

     Not unlike the phenomenon Brian Vike vigorously investigated, he suddenly and without warning dropped off the UFO radar. His last post (from him) on his web-site, "HBCC Research" read, "Time For a Break!"

Today, no links are accessible; however, his homepage, although not “specific” indicates his departure was due to health reasons. Moreover it states that the site will be the future home of “The Repository of The UFO Research Of Mr. Brian Vike.”

It further reads:

We are pleased to let you know that Brian is doing quite well and wisely stepping aside to regain his health and vigor. As many of you are aware he has often been in extreme pain while doing this “labor of love” for us all.

We wish him a speedy recovery and abundant blessings for his future!

It is now our intent to establish the historical data accumulated by Brian as archival resources for future generations.

The data was never intended for any purpose but as a repository of information accumulated from direct human experiences in the UFO phenomena.

Although Brian’s direct research is discontinued, at this time, we know that UFO cases will not end anytime too soon.

Perhaps there will be another to pick up the gauntlet and to continue this stellar work.

To Brian,

God bless you in all your endeavors and thank you for giving so selflessly to humankind in your financial outlay and countless hours of research and the loving care shown to the many who were lost in the confusion and fear of their experience.

But most especially, thank you for the excitement and integrity you brought to this amazing subject.

You are surely one of a kind!

“Live Long And Prosper”

Brian's dedication and hard work in Ufology doesn't go un-noticed--we wish him a speedy recovery, and hope his absence from Ufology is but a brief one.

More . . .

See Also: Clovis UFO Tale Resurfaces


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