By Piotr Cielebias
"NOL - Eastern European UFO Journal" Š
The photo was taken on May 20th 2006 at 13:39 on a certain Torun housing estate. The anonymous witness didn't see the UFO taking the photo. As he wrote, he was going to took photos of some products to a catalog, setting the balance of white and snapping some random photos. No sounds accompanied the alleged UFO manifestation."NOL - Eastern European UFO Journal" Š
Searching through the photos he noticed a strange, triangular object that appeared in the sky over the estate at 13:39:25. On the next photo taken on 13:39:27, there is no trace of it. The witness didn't agree to publish the whole photo, being afraid that someone may recognize the estate he live and subsequently localize him.
The witness applied SONY DSC-H1 camera.
The more recent photo presenting a triangular UFO craft was taken over Szprotawa [woj.Lubuskie] on July 18th 2006 by Dariusz W.
* Source: NPN Š -
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