By Diario "Nuevo Dia" (Mexico) and Ana Luisa Cid
In the early hours of July 13, two unidentified flying objects exploded, lighting up the sky with powerful lights.7-29-06
Terror spread among the population upon seeing that the UFOs, understood in the strictest meaning of the acronym and not as spacecraft from another planet, fell to earth leaving a wake of fire and multiple colors in the sky.
The event was recorded northwest of the city (Nogales, Sonora) in the vicinity of the Mascarenas communal farm. The first explosion was reported to this newspaper at 04:00 hours and around 20 minutes later, some of this newspaper's employees were able to see the second explosion, believed to correspond to something similar to a space rocket.
Witnesses to the first explosion remarked that the second object, before exploding into thousands of pieces, was static, in a parallel position to the first object.
They likewise indicated that the initial explosion was much more intense than the second one and that a fireball could be seen around the object, but at no time was any sound heard.
"The objects, or whoever was manning them, were making an effort to avoid a powerful impact," remarked an eyewitness.
These people could not believe the spectacle they were seeing, and their eyes reflected bewilderment and terror.
At the close of this edition, neither local authorities nor those of the neighboring country were able to account for these objects, nor where their remains may have fallen.
[Note from Prof. Cid: The Mascarenas communal farm belongs to Nogales, Sonora, located in the north of the Mexican Republic, bordering the United States. A person has agreed to provided me with the photos published in the newspaper. As soon as I have them I will share them with you.]
* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid, www.analuisacid.com
More . . .
See Also: Xalapa, Mexico: Mulitple UFOs Sighted During Governor's Function
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