By Stuart Miller

And in this issue we have:
1. Conference reminder
2. "I’m A Bastard Crop Circle Faker Maker, A Government Agent, And A Serious Pain In The Ass (for Special Branch)"
One of the long forgotten men of Ufology, Matthew Williams is still alive and well and living down in Devizes. These days a much overlooked figure, he was the man who busted the crop circle myth wide open, made one or two researchers look a
little stupid in the process, and who’s evidence has been ignored ever since. And he was also the man who decided to get into Rudloe Manor, uninvited, and have a look around for himself. Those types of Direct Action days are now long gone;
more’s the pity. Fascinating interview with a Ufological warrior.
3. "Separated at birth #2" Amazing physical similarities between people in Ufology and people who aren't.
4. Robert Barrow’s review of Wendy Connors' Night Journeys in Ufology: 1974-1977 Case Recordings, National UFO Reporting Center (Seattle WA), Vol 01
5. "Alien Autopsy Footage Apparently Not Real!! Cripes."
6. "Condign Report – Interview with Joe McGonagle" The inside story from one of the men on the err inside. What it’s like discovering a new secret document and what it’s like facing the media with it
7. "There’s A Rock Out There With Our Name On It" A look at the problem of rogue asteroids and what can be done about it. Interview with Italian Professor Palaeo Ontology
8. “A Saucerful of Secrets”: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of UFO Experiences"
The Journal of American Folklore article which has caused such a furore. Read it here.
9. The Daily Spurt - Filey man is a real life alien hybrid Staggering scientific discovery here in the UK
10. The Light Fantastic Meticulous article from Kithra on orbs and rods
11. Documentbusters – review of a new film from director Crass Parr
12. Chris Rolfe’s FOIA re the Burmarsh incident Michael Howard hasn’t had a good night’s sleep since.
All this and a few cartoons thrown in just for good measure, all for the princely sum of zilch.
More . . .
See Also: "Stuart Miller, Cheshire's Foremost Commentator on The Ongoing Search For Extra Terrestrial Life"
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