The truth is out there ... somewhere
Reesha Chibba
Mail & Guardian Online
South Africa's Unidentified Flying Objects Resource (Saufor) will host its second annual Unbind Your Mind UFO conference in celebration of World UFO Day on July 1 in Cape Town.Reesha Chibba
Mail & Guardian Online
The conference will reveal a timeline of UFO (unidentified flying object) events in South Africa and topics will include, amongst others: identified flying objects; how to report a UFO; UFO witnesses and hallucinations; UFOs as a gateway to a higher knowledge; and important current international developments.
Cristo Louw, founder of Saufor, said in a statement on Monday: "The time is ripe for the South African public to be informed about the true nature of the UFO issue."
Saufor's mission, he said, is to bring South Africa out of the "UFOlogical" Dark Age.
Saufor said in the statement: "The whole UFO debacle and the related conspiracies of government cover-ups, extraterrestrial visitations and an international, underground secret-government cabal pulling ... strings from behind the scenes is probably the most-important issue facing humanity at this point in our global evolution.
"According to international researchers, it all boils down to keeping the status quo, because when the public finds out that alternative methods for generating free energy, derived from advanced extraterrestrial technologies, are revealed as not only possible, but have been in use for many years, the oil industry and all parts of world economy dependent on it will have to be seriously revised.
"And no more power outages in South Africa!"
The conference will be held at the University of Cape Town's middle campus and starts at 10.30am. The cost per person is R75.
More . . .
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