
Monday, April 17, 2006

"Campbelltown Catholic Club Will Host The 2006 National UFO Conference"

UFO Conference Australia Logo 06
The truth is out there

Macarthur Chronicle

     ALIEN abductions and time-space discontinuity are set to knock off the Wests Tigers as Campbelltown's number-one conversation topic for a weekend in May.

Campbelltown Catholic Club will host the 2006 National UFO Conference, where Australian and international experts will exchange ideas and present evidence on all things extraterrestrial.

Organiser Attila Kaldy, co-founder of the UFO Society of Western Sydney, said he wanted to host the conference in Campbelltown because the Macarthur region was a UFO hotspot.

"There's been a lot of really bizarre stuff happening, especially around Razorback,'' he said.

"In one case, a gentleman was travelling at The Oaks on his way to work, when lights descended from the night and came towards him.

"At first he thought it was a semi trailer ... but then the lights parted and scattered in all directions around his car. He can't account for about half an hour. It was a horrifying experience for him.''

The conference's star guest is journalist, broadcaster and self-proclaimed UFO expert Jaime Maussan, who has previously anchored Mexico's version of 60 Minutes.

He will be flown to Campbelltown especially for the conference.

Mr Kaldy said Maussan had unearthed startling videos of bright lights criss-crossing in the sky, which the Mexican military had shot using infrared cameras.

"These lights weren't visible to the naked eye - it's like a form of camouflage that they use. Really, those things could be anywhere at any given time,'' Mr Kaldy said.

Other speakers include NSW UFO Investigation Centre co-ordinator Bill Chalker, Dominic McNamara from the Disclosure Project and Australian UFOlogist magazine editor Diane Frola.

The National UFO Conference will be held at Campbelltown Catholic Club on Saturday, May 6, starting at 9am.

More . . .

See Also: Australia: UFO Files Opened


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