Police personnel from the Parera Sheriff's Office, located in the northern region of La Pampa province, detected strange lights in the rural area of this province in early morning hours on March 6.One of the members of the police detachment traveling aboard a pickup truck told researchers that a powerful, shining light, traveling at the same speed as their unit, accompanied them on the outbound and return legs of their trip to the locality of Quetrequén, a few kilometers away from Parera.
Jorge Lastre noted that "what was most noticeable during the time in which the light stalked the police vehicle is that we lost all manner of communications. The police radio died and came back to life once we returned to Parera."
* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)
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See Also: Argentina: Police Respond To UFO Sighting - Summon The Air Force Command
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