[The following is an open letter from Silvia Perez Simondini. For those who may not know her, Ms. Simondini has a distinguished career as a UFO researcher and writer in her country, having personally investigated many cases in her part of the country together with her daughter Andrea]
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Dear Friends - We are truly excited her. Since Sunday, the first one of the year 2006, we are being astonished by a swarm of lights that numbered 12 on that first day, emerging two by two or singly with a very bright light. At first we thought they might be Iridium satellites, since they have their own sources of light, but upon following their trajectory, we quickly realized that these made a full spin from the NW to W -- to be clearer, as if they were coming from ParanĂ¡ and were heading toward Santa Fe.[The following is an open letter from Silvia Perez Simondini. For those who may not know her, Ms. Simondini has a distinguished career as a UFO researcher and writer in her country, having personally investigated many cases in her part of the country together with her daughter Andrea]
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
On that first day, there was a sky-blue one directly over my car, and since I was with a member of my team and my niece, I became alarmed when they both broke down in tears. This isn't the first time that something like this has happened with people who come to accompany us on our skywatches -- some of them [weep] due to being very mystical, others due to suddenly believing in something anomalous, and the rest becauuse they never thought they would have a sighting of their own. The fact is that these events have continued over the following days: nine on Tuesday, eight on Wednesday, five on Thursday, with the unaccustomed presence of an uncommon flight over the area of the sightings. The number remained at that. No others were seen. On Friday we didn't go to Cerro de la Matanza because it was overcast. On Saturday we saw seven lights appearing one by one. They always appear in the same site, and yesterday [Sunday] three of them turned up at a startling rate of speed over the clouds, but at a higher altitude.
I don't know what they are, but quite frankly, I'm concerned, because I don't know what else can be seen in the skies in such numbers, after seeing that they apparently emerge from the water and rise swiftly, and vanish with a turn. If someone has seen something simliar, please let us know in order to discuss the matter. The truth is that I'm worried.
Silvia Perez Simondini
* Translation (c) 2006. S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Our thanks to Planeta UFO.
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