Friday, December 30, 2005

Blast From The Past - July 28, 1952:
Air Force Urges Top Scientists To Scan Saucers

Mt Pleasant Times-News

Air Force Urges-Mt Pleasant Times-News 7-28-1952.jpg
click on image to enlarge



  1. Very interesting article, however it would be nice if it had a date to it. While I am a firm believer, I also follow the scientific method, and if it cannot be reproduced, you can't count it as relevant. Please, next time you have an article, make sure it can be verified through other sources. Otherwise the nay sayers will rip it apart.

  2. Evenin' darkdaved,

    Thanks for taking time toi make comment.

    You wrote:

    Very interesting article, however it would be nice if it had a date to it.

    Let me draw your attention to the post title of the article:

    Blast From The Past - July 28, 1952:
    Air Force Urges Top Scientists To Scan Saucers

    Right below it is written:

    Mt Pleasant Times-News

    You also wrote:

    While I am a firm believer, I also follow the scientific method, and if it cannot be reproduced, you can't count it as relevant.

    Although I' m not sure what you "believe in," your comment is contradictory, as "belief" doesn't apply to scientific method.

    As to being reproduced in order to be relevant; this is another nonsensical statement. We can't reproduce an eclipse, solar flare or a meteor fall, but most would argue that they are all relevant.

    You wrote:

    Please, next time you have an article, make sure it can be verified through other sources. Otherwise the nay sayers will rip it apart.

    You're kidding right?



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