La Hora
For four days the municipal lobby and the Town Hall of Loja were the host for the “UFO Congress II.” The event began November 2, and concluded on Saturday at 1300. The last speaker to address the audience was Jaime Rodriguez who spoke on the possible evidence in support of life on Mars.
Jaime Rodriguez, Ecuadorian Ufologist and coordinator of the Congress, for the second time held the event in the province of Loja where he sells books and videos on the subject. According to his investigations Ecuador is the 14th country to accept the investigation of the UFO phenomenon (Unidentified Flying Objects).
Last year, soon after the UFO Congress concluded, the el Club Galileo [Galileo Club] was established and at the moment has 4500 members from Loja.
One of the fundamental objectives for next year’s event will be the confirmation of Ufological community in Latin America. Moreover, there is a request for the Ecuadorian Air Force to participate in the program.
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