New Philip Klass Letter Found
by Richard M. Dolan
Last month I had the opportunity and privilege to speak at the Toronto Exopolitics Conference, organized by Michael Bird and Victor Viggiani, and which also featured speakers Stanton Friedman and Stephen Bassett (Paola Harris, slated to speak also, unfortunately was ill). The conference headliner was former Canadian Minister of Defence, Paul Hellyer, whose comments on the reality of UFOs have justly received the lion’s share of media Richard M. Dolan
Prior to the conference, I had spent 3 days at the Canadian National Archives in Ottawa, doing UFO research. Most of my time was spent going through records of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who received reports from civilians and typically forwarded these to the Herzberg Institute of Physics at the National Research Council in Ottawa.
As was the case when UFO files in the U.S. were handled by Project Blue Book, UFO reports in Canada had long been treated as an unwelcome bastard child. No one wanted the reports, but the astronomers at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics were stuck with the job of receiving them.
On the final day of my research trip, I was racing against time to go through the last folders I had requested. These were files from Records Group 77, Accession 1990-1991/073, but which had been placed in an Interim Box along with some other files I requested. This is because, as I was informed, not all the records in these folders had been fully cleared, but the ones in the Interim Box were cleared and could be reviewed by me.
The Klass Letter was in the very last folder I reviewed. . . .
More . . .
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