Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Argentina: Was 'Laser Light Show' Mistaken for Flying Saucer?

Laser Light Show

Was the UFO a large laser light show taking place in a neighboring town?
The lights seen by residents of Vista Alegre early Monday morning could have had a more rational explanation

Rio Negro Online

     CORDERO (ACS) - The lights seen by Vista Alegre residents may have formed part of a laser light show that was taking place on the other side of the river, some 600 meters from its banks. These were the words of Cordero Council President Fabian Galli, who explained: "I am not saying that the locals couldn't have seen a situation different to what they describe, nor am I saying that they are lying or anything similar: I suggest that there could have been a mistake."

     Galli insisted in that he was not "denying" the UFO sighted in the Costa de Reyes area, nor along the Vista Alegre coastal region on Monday morning. "We believe that there might have been some confusion and are therefore contributing this information toward research in order not to alarm people."

     Due to the alarm on the part of the locals, the entire coastal area became crowded with squad cars from Vista Alegre, Centeario and Neuquén, while those elements summoned in turn Air Force and aeronautical personnel.

     Galli went on to describe that at the time when the residents claimed having seen powerful lights in the sky, and which even lit up in a single go an area the size of three large willow trees in the area, there were laser beams being emitted from 21:30 hours to 01:30 hours as part of the last festivities of his community's anniversary, which was on November 15. "As from 21:30 hours we activated an electrical device that is one of a kind in the area and which was lent to us by a neighbor who owns a dance hall in Barda. It produces circular lights at high altitude with constantly gyrating laser-type beams."

     He described that the beams produced lights in eight concentric circles rotating "at high altitiude" and that the device issued these lights continuously until 1:30 a.m. when they ended with six minutes of fireworks "that produced explosions high in the air, cascading multicolored lights."

Translation (c) 2005. S. Corrales, IHU.

More . . .


1 comment :

  1. pretty cool,but i doubt these will explains ufo sightings.....another smokesceen????


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