Saturday, October 29, 2005

The UFO Incident

Barney & Betty Hill
The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill

by NH Movie Classics

     The film adaptation of Interrupted Journey by John Fuller. Betty and Barney Hill of Portsmouth, New Hampshire take a wild ride in space ship, based on their acutal accounts of a close encounter in the White Mountains.

      The story of the 1961 abduction of Portsmouth NH's Betty & Barney Hill led to a national bestseller "Interrupted Journey." More than a decade later, the book was adapted into a made-for-TV film. . . .

      According to Betty Hill, the primary force behind the film version was actor James Earl Jones, who had read the book, and wanted to play the part of Barney Hill, a Portsmouth, NH postal worker. Betty Hill was played by Estelle Parsons.

Special Thanks To Christian Macé

More . . .


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