Peru: Residents Of Puente Piedra And Ventanilla See UFOs;
Electrical Interference
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Source: Panamericana Noticias
Residents of the Puente Piedra and Ventanilla districts were witnesses to an unusual event: two unidentified flying objects were reported in both areas. A camera crew from Panamericana Noticias recorded this event.Electrical Interference
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Source: Panamericana Noticias
The [objects] appeared in the firmament over one of the many settlements along the Chillon River between Puente Piedra and Ventanilla on Friday [September 30] at 10:00 pm.
They were two powerful lights that could not be mistaken withairplanes, helicopters or aerostats. They descended with such swiftness toward the town that they absorbed energy from several light posts, causing them to go off.
"Those were UFOs and they caused the blackout and interference with artifacts," opined Mario Zegarra.
The area is a chosen location where these strange lights appear constantly. Justo is a gorge near an old mineshaft and the San Diego lagoon. But whay has a new UFO sighting wave unleashed itself just as the earth is shaking in various parts of the country?
"They tend to appear when disasters approach [...]. They are warning us of these tragedies," Zegarra added.
For more information:www.24horas.com.pe
Translation (c) 2005, Scott Corrales, IHU
Special thanks to Renato Longato and Ana Luisa Cid
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