Itar-Tass News Agency
ROME, October 9 (Itar-Tass) -- The First International UFO Symposium organized by the Italian National UFO Center is underway in the country’s southern town of Cosenza, Calabria province.9-10-05
Famous American film director and producer Steven Spielberg, the author of the featured “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” (1982) movie said in a TV interview to the symposium participants that he was not so sure of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations as he was twenty years ago.
Speaking about the main idea of his new film “War of the Worlds” (2005) (Spielberg’s movie version of H.G. Wells’ novel), he said that his film was of current interest, especially taking account the nowadays’ natural calamities – earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and floods, as well as acts of terrorism, which exercise the strongest psychological effect on population.
Guests and participants in the two-day symposium familiarized themselves with an exhibition of books and magazines on UFO and UFO-related themes from different countries.
More than 40 specialists in astronomy, exobiology, writer-fantasts, representatives of official organizations from Russia, Britain, Belgium and France made their reports at the symposium.
President of the Italian National UFO Center Roberto Pinotti said that the security department of the Italian Air Force has been assigned to study all abnormal effects in the atmosphere and in near-Earth space since 1979.
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