By Thomas Horn
Senior RNU News Reporter
Redemption 'from heaven' ingrained in human psyche – (Raiders News Update) – The Bible says in the last days that Jesus Christ "...shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).Senior RNU News Reporter
Redemption 'from heaven' ingrained in human psyche
In a subsequent letter to the Thessalonians, Paul stated that this glorious appearing "in the clouds" would happen at a time of distress, when a great "falling away" was occurring and when a spirit of antichrist walked the earth. Earthquakes, hurricanes, war, and strange activity on the Sun would likewise portend the transpiration.
In other words, a time like now.
Though I doubt the prophet articulated the cyclical effect of man's psychological need of a savior during times of trouble, the pattern is as old as time and one of the most pervasive and enduring cultural phenomenon. When the world as we know it appears to be in trouble, we look skyward for divine intervention.
Given the current state of global affairs, maybe this is why last week a series of strange lights moving through the upper atmosphere over Thomasville, Alabama, caused Alex Cassity, described by The Times as "a God-fearing man", to think it was the second-coming. “It was really something,” he said. “but my first thought was, the Lord’s coming!” The lights over Alabama turned out to be flares from a military jet, but Cassity's reaction has become typical, and not just among Christians.
Many religions have at least one apocalyptic myth describing the end of the world accompanied by a "savior" who appears in the sky at the last minute to rescue the "chosen" from annihilation or wrath. Mayans, Assyrians, Egyptians and Greeks held similar beliefs. Hopi prophecy talks of a time of great destruction, when their lands will be preserved as "a blue star, far off and invisible, makes its appearance." Today, even factions of the New Age look for a techno-savior to appear in the clouds to save mankind from itself.
But what about that little warning Paul included to the Thessalonians"... that day shall not come, except... that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Predominant among church scholars is the idea that coupled with any heavenly appearing and concurrent salvation of believers from chaos, will be the materialization of a false Christ or "man of sin." This is a line in the sand for many Christians, dividing them from persons of different faith who also look to the skies for redemption. Where Hopi see a blue star, and others see returning ancient astronauts, Christians worry that any belief not consistent with their own might open a door for Antichrist to assume the role of an end times false Messiah by mimicking the return of Christ.
While the aforementioned may seem at first to be the insignificant differences of religious ideology, the effect (at least currently) is felt in everything from interpersonal social relationships to government policy. Recently the US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice actually told sufferers of Hurricane Katrina to hold on - that "the Lord is going to come on time, if we just wait!"
As tensions continue to build around the world, nowhere is the conflict regarding the imminent appearing of a descending savior more glaring than among Christian and secular Ufologists. While some on both sides resist combining religious and cosmological significance with Extraterrestrial intelligence, others hold to the opposite position, esoterically and biblically, and maybe there is a good reason.
Earliest histories from around the world speak of significant involvement by a "super-intelligence" involved in the origin of the species with promises by this Creator to return someday. Secular and religious Ufologists point to the universal documentation as a record of "heavenly beings" visiting earth and engaging in a process leading to hominid creation and therefore the first civilizations. When the Sumerians first appeared, following the event described above, they brought with them a pantheon of sky deities, the first written language, and a superior knowledge of the cosmos. Post Sumerian myth held that powerful beings with names like "Zeus" and "Apollo" had visited the earth, intermarried with women, and fathered half-human children. In 1986, Christian college professor I.D.E. Thomas combined this mythos with modern Ufology, claiming that a race of anti-God warriors were approaching the earth from "out there" and bringing with them Armageddon. Evangelical apologists since flooded the market with dire warnings of a false Messiah who they said will first appear "in the heavens" to set about deceiving the world.
The words of Paul again"And then shall that Wicked [one] be revealed....whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:8-9).
These "lying wonders" according to one theory are flying saucers that will be piloted by creatures who appear to be advanced humanoids, but who are in fact evil supernaturalism on a quest to conquer and destroy the creation of God.
Surprisingly, secular Ufologists are partially to blame for advancing this "evil flying geniuses" theory. In some cases they too postulate interaction between humans and ET as malevolent. Whitley Streiber, author of "Communion" and other books on the subject, once wrote: "There are worse things than death, I suspected. And I was beginning to get the distinct impression that one of them had taken an interest in me. So far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me. And why should it have been? We were beyond such things. We were a group of atheists and agnostics, far too sophisticated to be concerned with such archaic ideas as demons and angels."
Professor Elizabeth L. Hillstrom in her book "Testing the Spirits" says that a growing number of academics have concluded that UFOnauts are synonymous with historical demonism. "Vallee’s explanation of UFOs is the most striking," she said, "because of its parallels with demonic activity. UFO investigators have noticed these similarities. Vallee himself, drawing from extrabiblical literature on demonic activities, establishes a number of parallels between UFOnauts and demons....Pierre Guerin, a UFO researcher and a scientist associated with the French National Council for Scientific Research, is not so cautious: 'The modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical.' Veteran researcher John Keel, who wrote UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse and other books on the subject, comes to the same conclusion: 'The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon."
In conclusion: Whereas Ufologists of various creed may disagree on the meaning of particular ET phenomenon, both assert language that defines UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence in angeological and demonological terms including rhetoric about the origin of the species as well as promises by the Creator to return "in the heavens" at the end of time. Given the prophetic condition of the world today, does anyone doubt why so many look for "UFOs" to render the grand entry of an extraterrestrial 'savior'? Or will Jesus Himself don the morning sky? Time will tell, but more and more people are looking to the clouds for the imminent arrival of an extraterrestrial redeemer.
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