Monday, August 01, 2005

UFO Files: UFO Hunters

TS Eyes Only Mag Glass

Next Airing: Mon Aug 1, 2005 8:00 PM
     They look to the stars, to Earth, and within      the human body. They are the UFO research      elite that seeks answers to the mysteries of      the UFO phenomenon. Their determination, attitude, and methodologies stand strong against ridicule and disbelief. In the end, UFO hunters exhibit scientific evidence that pushes the boundary of modern-day thinking. At annual conferences, they share findings and are often stunned by the commonality of their cases. Follow UFO hunters as they search for UFOs and investigate crash sites. Their hunts for physical evidence of UFOs and alien life forms sometimes end up as global wild goose chases, but there are other times, when what they find is just too intriguing....and might just prove that it is possible that we are not alone in the universe.

More . . .


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