News Channel 6
Do flying saucers really exist? One local man who spoke with Tammy Scardino says he believes they do and offers this explanation. 8-21-05
Paul Solem says he's the only white man to ever be accepted by late traditional Hopi Indian chiefs.
Paul Solem, Self-Proclaimed Prophet: "And they finally accepted me after a great conference amongst all the elders; and that divided the tribe."
The 83-year-old Fort Hall resident has traveled the world, lecturing about the Hopi Indian warning and the flying saucer message. Saturday, he spoke with Blackfoot residents about his experiences.
He claims he telepathically communicates with spaceships on a regular basis. To prove it, at the end of each lecture he calls for a flying saucer to make a visual pass overhead.
"You see, a lot of people don't know that we're visited in our atmosphere actually by extra-terrestrial beings that are dimensional - they live in another dimension. So, the heat of the planets or the cold of Pluto, that has nothing to do with it."
Solem's message does not end with the idea that we're not alone in the universe. He also tells of the Hopi prophecy, a prophecy that foretells of a fire in the sky that cannot be put out. That fire, he contends, will be caused by an explosion of plutonium and spent uranium at the Idaho National Laboratory.
In the midst of this great holocaust, he says the true white brother will survive the great fire, to bring on purification day.
"The political set-up will be divinely overthrown throughout the earth, because it's all corrupt. I don't care where you go."
While the Hopi Indians may have abandoned their traditional past, Solem carries on the message to all who is willing to listen.
Solem will be lecturing again next Saturday, and the following Saturday at Jensen's Grove in Blackfoot, starting at dusk.
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In the midst of this great holocaust, he says the true white brother will survive the great fire, to bring on purification day.
ReplyDelete"The political set-up will be divinely overthrown throughout the earth, because it's all corrupt. I don't care where you go."
Can we appreciate that the divine overthrow is nearly completed? The thing to bring the complete overthrow of the old master order is to gain control of the bourse. To end the corruption we the people will have to gain control of the issue of bourse. Its that simple or that complex. To gain control of the bourse labor will have to STRIKE THEM OUT!
The true brother loves all of mankind desiring to live in harmony and peace with everyone.