Monday, May 23, 2005

Believe it or not: McMinnville's UFO Festival Draws Flying-Saucer Trackers, Skeptics and an Alien Implant Specialist


By Mark Baker
The Register-Guard
      McMINNVILLE - He had no scalpel in his hand and no aliens by his side, but Roger Leir, the foot-doctor-turned-remover-of-alien-implants, is still a believer.

     And he wants those who have come to his workshop on the second floor of the 100-year-old Hotel Oregon here to know: "You'd be upset, too, if you had something in your arm that, when you touched it, it just started running around."

     Started running around like little alien implants the size of earthly peas do when they've been in your arm for a dozen years.

     Don't believe it? Doesn't matter. Believers and skeptics alike come to this Oregon town about 20 miles southwest of Portland every May to remember and celebrate what happened - or didn't happen - here 55 years ago when farmer Paul Trent says he photographed that flying saucer whirling over his property.

More . . .


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