Saturday, April 02, 2005

'Slow Moving UFO' Seen Over Australia!

ABC News

UFO sighting most likely satellite

The Perth Observatory says it is most likely an object that was tracked in the skies over Western Australia and the Northern Territory overnight was a satellite re-entering the atmosphere.

Astronomer Peter Birch says the as yet unidentified object was tracked from the south coast of Western Australia, to Ti Tree, 170 kilometres north of Alice Springs.

He says he has had some astonishing reports from observers, but needs more information to confirm what it was.

"The object has been watched in the sky for times of up to a minute by some of the observers, which means it is a very slow moving object," he said.

"It's been breaking up and burning up as it's come into the atmosphere.

"At this stage whether it's a large meteor burning up or it's a re-entering space craft is uncertain."

Alice Springs resident Fiona Higgins says she first thought it was a fireworks display.

"It was so spectacular...something I've never seen before," she said.

"I've seen shooting stars before but this was like 110 times brighter and prettier than that."

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