
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eerie Encounter with UFO On Lonely Road | UFO CHRONICLE – 1978

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Union Man Cites Encounter with UFO - Bangor Daily News 6-7-1978
An object with flashing lights which surrounded his car, completely stopping it and making it completely dead – no lights, no radio, no engine running, nothing (click and or right click on image[s] to enlarge).

     Dana says he experienced an encounter with an unidentified flying object, the likes of which he will never forget.

"I wish I'd never seen it, it scared the hell out of me," the 20-year-old
By Bangor Daily News
Boardman related Tuesday. He said while driving along the road from Pleasnt Point to Cushing about 1:15 am he encountered an object with flashing lights which surrounded his car, completely stopping it and making it completely dead – no lights, no radio, no engine running, nothing.

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