Wednesday, April 01, 2015

MoD Accused of UFO Cover-Up!

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MoD Accused of UFO Cover-Up!

By Jasper Hamill
Defence chiefs stall publication of 18 'bombshell' documents relating to unidentified flying objects in the skies over Britain
      UFO spotters have accused Westminster of a cover-up over a delay in the release of a cache of documents known as "Britain's X-Files".

The Ministry of Defence promised to release 18 UFO files at the end of last year, but they have failed to materialise.

After Lord Black of Brentwood tabled a question to the House of Lords last month, the MoD admitted it had not yet handed the cache over to the National Archives for release.

It blamed "additional processing requirements" for the delay and said the files would be released in late 2015 or 2016.

Nick Pope, who used to work as a UFO investigator at the MoD, said: "This massive delay will have conspiracy theorists up in arms. It looks like the MoD is stalling.

"The suspicion will be that there's a bombshell in these files and that the Ministry does not know how to handle it. . . .

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