Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Formation of UFOs Over CNY

A Formation of UFOs Over CNY

By Cheryl Costa

Thomas stayed up to watch the 11 O’clock news; he never expected to witness a formation of UFOs instead.
     It was early October 2014 in Mexico, NY. Thomas was getting ready to watch the11 o’clock news before heading to bed. Suddenly the apartment he lives in began to shake with a rumbling sound. The sound was familiar to him; it was the sound of a military helicopter.

“I walked out my back door, there was a very low flying military Black Hawk helicopter chasing three low and glowing flying objects that made no sound.”

Thomas knew that as this Black Hawk had no other reason to be in area and was apparently not searching or looking for anything or anyone, the military craft flying low and was clearly chasing the Unidentified Flying Objects. As the bright formation of UFOs continued on their course, it was obvious to Thomas that the Black Hawk was having a hard time keeping up with them. He says that the formation of UFOs banked from NNE to SSE in an irregular manner that made no sense to him. . . .

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