
Friday, March 08, 2013

Canadian Government No Longer Investigating UFOs | UFO NEWS | VIDEO

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Canadian Government No Longer Investigating UFOs | UFO NEWS | VIDEO 3-7-13

Stan Friedman On CBC 3-7-13 Chris Rutkowski On CBC 3-7-13

By CBC News

     Tracking unidentified flying objects now seems to hold little interest for the Canadian government, according to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act.

Various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence, used to track and investigate UFO sightings to some degree, but documents obtained by CBC News suggest those days are over.

It's now up to civilian volunteers to report what's going on up in the sky.

Any information on UFO sightings received by the various agencies is passed on to Chris Rutkowski, a civilian science writer who has produced the Canadian UFO survey since 1989. . . .

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