
Monday, December 31, 2012

Project Blue Book Revelations: Flying Saucer [UFO] Photographed Over New York (1967) | UFO CHRONICLE

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Flying Saucer Over New York, New York 8-5-1967

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
© 12-30-12

     Recently, while inspecting old Blue Book files I discovered a few orphaned photographs (again) seemingly of a nuts 'n' bolts Flying Saucer; the photos were dated August 5, 1967 and although there was a file number on a cover page preceding the images and "Foreign Technology Division, AFSC" stamped on one (their analysis was protocol back in the day), there was no accompanying report attached. Although this example isn't prevalent it isn't unprecedented either, as I have experienced disrupted files in the past (as noted by the link below).

Time permitting I hope to locate the missing file(s) and see what the Powers-That-Be came up with if anything . . ..

1 comment :

  1. If all this is true, UFOs could be the playtoys of demons.


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